Watch how to apply the corrective brace to a foal
Foal can be sadated if necessary
Foal can be laying down or standing up
Present the open brace to the limb to asses amount of bandaging to be used.
Always bangage limb to make it fit
Put more bandaging in the long bones ( Radius, cannon bone and pastern) and less around articulations (fetlocks and knees) as these stuctures are more sensitive to pressure
Put the brace with the limb flexed
First close lower part of brace and fast the velcro straps
close upper part of brace and fast the straps
Extend the limb as much as you can and fasten rope into clamcleat
let the foal bear weight and walk around
Make readjustments
leave the brace on for only a few hours at a time ( 3-5 hs) depending on each case
Always use the REDBOOTS under the supervision of a veterinarian